Tzolkin Mayan Calendar
This Mayan calendar has 260 days in a year, 13 months, and 20 days each month. The 20 days are named individually and each day has its own vibration and meaning. This calendar is thought to be based on the time that it takes for a pregnancy to begin and finish, and that possibly this calendar was used for tracking births. It is common that a child be named after the day it was born, since that particular vibration is what the baby is said to have stepped into the river of time, the vibration at which the child is meant to live this lifetime, and the child's name would have some variation of or some similarity to the name of the day he or she was born.
Haab Mayan Calendar
The Haab is a Mayan calendar made up of 18 months with 20 days each, plus a period of 5 extra nameless days called Uayeb. The 5 nameless days were considered a time when the dimensions overlap and dark spirits can come and wreak havoc on the Earth. That was a time when people stayed in their homes and laid low. There were also rituals that were done to prevent these spirits from doing harm to the Earth or anyone on it.
The Maya usually described a date by specifying its position in both the Tzolkin and the Haab calendars, this alignment of the Sacred Round and the Vague Year generates the joint cycle called the Calendar Round.
In these two wheels, the smallest with 260 teeth (left) has on each one the name of the 260 days of the Tzolkin year and the largest with 365 teeth (right) has in their interstice the names of each of the positions of the Haab year. Since the Haab year always begins on a date 0 Pop and the Tzolkin year can only began in a day called Ik, Manik, Eb or Caban, when 2 Ik is placed in conjunction with 0 Pop and wheel A is rotated clockwise wheel B will rotate counterclockwise and the name of the Tzolkin day that corresponds to each Haab position falls into place.
The 4 and 20 Principle
The 4 colors and the 20 day cycle: The Tzolkin Code color sequence is red, white, blue and yellow. The 4 colors represent distinct, but sequentially related qualities. The colors are to be interpreted as themes or qualities represented by the aspects and attributes of our sensory world. The aspects and attributes run the full range of what we experience as human beings. They are all of the events, situations, people, animals, plants, objects, processes and internal feelings that we encounter in our day to day lives. It means that our experience of the world is comprised of 4 primary themes or states. The 4 states are expressed as 20 variations on the thematic and qualitative content representing the full range of what we call reality or the phenomenal world.
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